Continually Talk The Word · Tuesday, June 12th · Pastor Chris

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success (Joshua 1:8).
Pastor ChrisThis scripture is the key to a successful life and ministry. The first thing to note is that it doesn’t say anything about the heart. It says the Word shall not depart from your "mouth" and not your "heart." This means you must continually talk the Word. Secondly, it says, "Meditate!" That means to mutter or to say to yourself. Thinking is not meditation; you have to say something. It may be by talking quietly under your breath or by roaring aloud.
You may have the word in your heart, but if you don’t speak it forth things won’t change. In the first chapter of Genesis, the Bible reveals that the world was a chaotic mass until God spoke. God had to speak to change things. Talking the Word is of the utmost importance to the Christian. Christianity is for talkers; you can’t have real Christianity by praying in your mind and singing in your mind or worshipping in your mind; you’ve got to speak out. Romans 10:10 says, "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." A man is not recreated by his believing but by his confession of the Lordship of Jesus. The reason is that the righteousness which is of faith doesn’t only believe; it speaks (Romans 10:6).
God reveals Himself to you through His Word. However, that revelation alone wouldn’t change the circumstances of your life; it’s got to become "rhema," which is the spoken Word; the active or creative Word. The Word of God on your lips is God talking; there are not enough limitations in the world to stop or hinder your progress if you’d continually talk the Word. God’s Word in your mouth is your assurance for a glorious, prosperous and successful future.
The wisdom of God is functioning in me; I know what to do in every situation. The life of God is working and prevailing in me! I’m making progress through the Word; my life is pleasant, and my future is bright! Blessed be God!
f u r t h e r s t u d y: Romans 10:8-10; Jeremiah 23:29

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