I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me (Philippians 4:13).
Christ’ in our opening Scripture doesn’t refer to the Man Jesus; it means “the Anointed One and His anointing.” It refers to the supernatural empowerment Jesus received when the Holy Spirit came upon Him, which made Him the Christ. You received the same Holy Spirit when you were born again. Thus the same anointing that made Jesus the Christ and gave Him the ability to do the impossible is at work in you. The apostle Paul understood this truth, and by the Spirit said, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Like Paul, you ought to make this your constant confession; the ability of the Spirit has been granted you to achieve supernatural exploits in life. The Bible says, “Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God (2 Corinthians 3:5). The word “sufficiency” in this verse of scripture means “ability.” The Spirit of God is letting you know that you’ve been endued with God’s supernatural ability. Therefore, look beyond what your physical ability can do.
Never let your confidence rest in your intellect or in your physical ability because there’s a divine energy available to you. That energy is the power of the Holy Spirit which you must recognize and put to work in your life everyday. With you, nothing is impossible. Cultivate the “I can do mentality” and be possibility-conscious.
For example, if you’re a student, never admit that something you’ve read is too difficult for you to understand. Rather, tell yourself, “I have been strengthened with the ability of God in me; I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. I have the ability to comprehend everything I read and pass my examinations with flying colours.”
If a project or an assignment is given to you in your place of work, no matter how difficult it may look, don’t say it can’t be done. Never say something is impossible; remember that you’ve been strengthened with the ability of God in you, therefore you can do all things.
In this month of Strengthening, be thankful to God for His power that works in you mightily. Everyday, declare like the Apostle Paul that you can do all things through the anointing that’s at work in you. This way, you’ll build in you the “I can do mentality,” and develop your consciousness of His divine energy that’s at work in you and nothing will ever be impossible for you to accomplish, in Jesus’ Name. Amen
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