Thought for Today
How to Exercise Dominion Through Your Angels
“Are not the angels all ministering spirits (servants) sent out in the service [of God for the assistance] of those who are to inherit salvation?” (Hebrews 1: 14 AMP)
Every born again child of God has angels and they are always with us to assist us, but they wouldn’t just do whatever you want to do or say whatever they want to say. This is because they can only function within the boundaries of God’s plan. In other words, your angels will function for you only when your confession is consistent with the Word. So, for you to put your angels to work this month of Dominion, you must be conversant with the Lord’s will for your life and you can only get such information through the diligent study of your Bible and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Angels respond to God’s Word (Psalm 103:20). Therefore, when you do what God wants you to do, your angels are happy to work with you. Align your confession with the Word of God today, and get your angels to swing into action for you. As you consistently declare God’s Word about your health, family, business and finances, the angels go forth on your behalf to help you experience dominion this month. Praise the Lord!