Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds (Psalms 149:5).

The life of God in you is definitely worth celebrating and rejoicing about. The fact that you’re more than a conqueror, and a victor in Christ Jesus, superior to Satan and the cohorts of darkness is enough to make you shout aloud upon your bed and be joyful in glory. Learn to rejoice over the Word and celebrate its efficacy and power in your life. Express your gratitude for the prosperity, health, peace and joy that God has given you through the Word. You don’t need to wait to get to church to do this.
The times when you’re alone ought to be your best moments, for that’s when you can say whatever you want, however you want to say them, since you’re expressing yourself to no one else but the Lord. If you want to see your life grow, and become more effective, then practise celebrating the Lord and His goodness in your life. The Lord Jesus gave us the example of how to live every day in celebration. He never had blue days or sad moments. When He rose from the dead, the first thing He said when He met His disciples was "All hail!" (Matthew 28:9). What a salutation!
On another occasion, the Bible says He "…rejoiced in spirit…" (Luke 10:21); that means He celebrated and exulted in the spirit, all by Himself; rejoicing for what God had done! He never needed anyone to talk Him up or make Him happy. This is the life to which you’ve been called; a life of rejoicing, victory and celebration!
I rejoice because God has given me eternal life, and granted me the power of attorney to live in, and by the Name of Jesus! I celebrate the life of peace, glory, progress, prosperity, success, and victory He’s brought me into, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
f u r t h e r s t u d y: Philippians 4:4; Philippians 3:1; Philippians 3:3
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