As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith (Galatians 6:10).
Isn’t the Lord wonderful? Notice He says we should do good unto ALL men, not some men; and then He goes on to say, "...especially unto them who are of the household of faith." You’re to be caring, loving and affectionate towards ALL men, especially to your brothers and sisters in the Lord.
In Matthew 24:12, Jesus said, "…because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." He spoke concerning the end times; a time when many would care for no one else but themselves. But as God’s children, we’re required to love; it’s our nature to love. The Lord expects you to care for others and show them love even in difficult times. He doesn’t want us to become cold, callous and selfish.
We must take advantage of every opportunity to express our love for one another. Consciously look out for opportunities to bless others and express your love to them. When people are rejoicing, that’s an opportunity to express your love; rejoice with them over what the Lord has done for them. In the same vein, if some misfortune has overtaken someone around you, show that you care and encourage them by your actions and words.
Look around you today for that opportunity to bless and touch someone with the Love of Christ! They may not come to you to ask your help, but be alert. Look around for that brother or sister in need, and reach out to meet that need in whatever way you can. The world may be full of malice, wickedness, and hatred, but you’re the light of the world; therefore show that you’re different by being caring, loving, helpful and kind to others!
Dear Father, I thank you for filling my heart with your love. Help me, I pray, to recognize every opportunity you’ve placed before me today to manifest your love and be a blessing to others in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
f u r t h e r s t u d y: 1 John 3:16-18; James 2:15-17

In Matthew 24:12, Jesus said, "…because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." He spoke concerning the end times; a time when many would care for no one else but themselves. But as God’s children, we’re required to love; it’s our nature to love. The Lord expects you to care for others and show them love even in difficult times. He doesn’t want us to become cold, callous and selfish.
We must take advantage of every opportunity to express our love for one another. Consciously look out for opportunities to bless others and express your love to them. When people are rejoicing, that’s an opportunity to express your love; rejoice with them over what the Lord has done for them. In the same vein, if some misfortune has overtaken someone around you, show that you care and encourage them by your actions and words.
Look around you today for that opportunity to bless and touch someone with the Love of Christ! They may not come to you to ask your help, but be alert. Look around for that brother or sister in need, and reach out to meet that need in whatever way you can. The world may be full of malice, wickedness, and hatred, but you’re the light of the world; therefore show that you’re different by being caring, loving, helpful and kind to others!
Dear Father, I thank you for filling my heart with your love. Help me, I pray, to recognize every opportunity you’ve placed before me today to manifest your love and be a blessing to others in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
f u r t h e r s t u d y: 1 John 3:16-18; James 2:15-17
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