For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also (James 2:26).

When you start acting your faith, you may look foolish for a while, but not acting your faith at all will make you truly foolish. Look at blind Bartimaeus; he cried out, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me." Everyone tried to hush him up, but he wouldn’t give up; he yelled even louder, until his cry of faith got the Master’s attention, and He healed him (Luke 18:40-43). Remarkably, in the forty-third verse, the same people who had tried to stop him, rejoiced and gave praise to God when they saw his miracle: "…and all the people, when they saw it, gave praise unto God." No one is ever a fool for faith.
It reminds me of something that happened many years ago while we went out on a crusade. During the meeting, I asked for those who couldn’t walk to be brought forward, so I could pray for them. An elderly woman, who was blind, raised her stick and started yelling out, "Jesus, open my eyes."
I said, "No, I’m only calling for those who couldn’t walk," but she wouldn’t budge. She kept yelling, "Jesus open my eyes," using her walking stick as a guide to make her way to the front. The ushers tried to stop her, but like Blind Bartimaeus, she yelled even louder. That night, she received her sight; her blind eyes opened up!
You may be ridiculed for acting your faith, but it’s for the moment; wait until you get what you’re asking for. The glory and joy of that miracle will completely overwhelm the ridicule. I was told of a certain woman who, as she made her way into one of our meetings, said to a cameraman, "Record me now, because when I go into that meeting, I’m coming out different." She was sick, invalid, but full of faith; and sure enough, during the service, she received a touch from the Lord and was gloriously healed. It pays to act your faith.
My faith is effective, producing results and prevailing over circumstances as I put it to work today! I walk in victory, dominion and strength because I live by the faith of the Son of God; His Word dwells richly in my heart, building my faith strong. I’m thus positioned for the triumphant life in Christ; blessed be God!
f u r t h e r s t u d y: James 2:20-26
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